lundi 4 avril 2011

Menace Ruine - Cult of Ruins

Year : 2008
*Country : Canada
*Genre : Doom/Drone/Black Metal, Experimental
Tracklist : 
1. Process Of Bestialization
2. Sky As A Reversed Abyss
3. Kill The Egregore
4. They Who Enter Caves
5. Bonded By Wyrd
6. Dove Instinct
7. Atavism
Total playing time : 42.00

A mix between black metal, electronic, noise (but not shambolic), dissonant melodies, and so many strange influences. A great vocal duo between female Doom folk chant and male Black Metal vocals. It's as cold as Industrial Black Metal and as psychedelic/hypnotic as 70's rock, and the atmosphere (almost ritualistic) could comes from obscure medieval theme (I think to the great band named The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath a Cloud and another Neofolk bands). As you can read, it's really indescribable and unique.
Cult of Ruins in 3 words: Atmospheric, Innovative
For fans of: Sunn O))), Velvet Cacoon, Deathspell Omega,...
Thanks to Sagamore for the discovery.

1 commentaire:

  1. De rien mec, il est vrai que ce groupe est tout bonnement exceptionnel... Tant au niveau des ambiances que des lignes noise...
