Year : 2008
*Country : Canada
*Genre : Doom/Drone/Black Metal, Experimental
Tracklist :
1. Process Of Bestialization
2. Sky As A Reversed Abyss
3. Kill The Egregore
4. They Who Enter Caves
5. Bonded By Wyrd
6. Dove Instinct
7. Atavism
Total playing time : 42.00
A mix between black metal, electronic, noise (but not shambolic), dissonant melodies, and so many strange influences. A great vocal duo between female Doom folk chant and male Black Metal vocals. It's as cold as Industrial Black Metal and as psychedelic/hypnotic as 70's rock, and the atmosphere (almost ritualistic) could comes from obscure medieval theme (I think to the great band named The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath a Cloud and another Neofolk bands). As you can read, it's really indescribable and unique.
Cult of Ruins in 3 words: Atmospheric, Innovative
For fans of: Sunn O))), Velvet Cacoon, Deathspell Omega,...
Thanks to Sagamore for the discovery.
De rien mec, il est vrai que ce groupe est tout bonnement exceptionnel... Tant au niveau des ambiances que des lignes noise...